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- Registration -

All dancers must register IN PERSON.

If paying tuition, you must have a credit card on file to be registered with the studio.

Registration Fee

Walk in/Class Card dancers- No registration fee required.

Tuition- $40 registration fee/$50 family registration 

Unlimited Contracts- $40 registration fee

Age Requirements

TEENS – AGES 11-17



Some adult classes will ONLY be 18+ and may require ID upon entry. In some cases depending on level and maturity of dancer with parent approval exceptions will be made to dance in a higher level. 

Additional Studio Policies, Terms, and Conditions

Payment and Fees: All classes must be paid for in advance. Dues for Membership accounts must be paid by automatic draft. An additional fee of $35.00 plus damages, if any, will be charged by UDE to account for credit/debit card charges returned due to insufficient funds (NSF). Studio will be closed on all major holidays. There will be no extensions or refunds on class cards or unlimited VIP memberships.

Refund Policy: All sales are final. No extensions, refunds, transfers, or credits for missed classes or workshops. Studio closures may be necessary from time to time due to weather conditions or other causes beyond our control; no refunds for cancelled classes due to these causes.

Class Schedule & Substitutions: UDE reserves the right to change any scheduled class and/or provide a substitute instructor for any scheduled class without notice. You are not guaranteed a spot if class reaches maximum capacity.

Class Etiquette: Student agrees to comply with studio standards of class etiquette. No use of cell phones during class allowed. Students are expected to arrive at least ten minutes prior to the scheduled start time for any class. Use of tobacco products is not permitted in the studio.

Media Release: Dancers hereby grants permission to UDE for use of any photographs and/or videos in or out of classes that may be used in brochures, web sites, posters, advertisements and other promotional material and permission to copyright photography used.

Safety: We are dedicated to safe practices to prevent injury. Dancers agrees to not participate if alcohol or food has recently been consumed. Stop class if you are dizzy, overheated, or short of breath. Dance/gym bags are a safety hazard and are not permitted on the dance floor.

Children: Children cannot be left unattended outside of classroom or building and must have parental consent to participate in any studio activity. Specific classes for age groups and adults are offered – please refer to the website or Facebook page for class schedule for class times.

Lost and Found: UDE and the instructors are not responsible for a dancers lost, stolen or any damaged personal property. Any items found will be held for a period of not less than 30 days.

Choreography: All class formats and choreography are the property of UDE and are not to be duplicated without permission of class instructor and/or studio.​

  • Loitering and Soliciting are prohibited in and around the UDE property.

  • UDE reserves the right to refuse service for any reason.

  • Observation of classes is not permitted inside of the studio without permission by instructor or studio owner.

  • No food, gum or open liquid containers are permitted in studios.

  • Cell phones must be set on silent while attending a class.

*Group classes are available. Please contact for details.

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